Maryland and West Virginia State Highpoints

I’m not exactly sure what got me interested in hiking all the state highpoints.  I like hiking and seeing new places- so why not right?  So after much planning, my dad and I set off to conquer 3 state highpoints – that was the plan anyway.  I follow the Summit Chicks blog and got a lot of information about the highpoints from them as well as various other sites.  I saw that you could potentially get 3 highpoints in 1 day – WV, MD and PA.  Always up for a challenge, I started making plans for a road trip with my dad and JoJo.  We saw that Skyline Drive was fairly close to Spruce Knob, the West Virginia highpoint and I have always wanted to see Shenandoah National Park so we decided to take the scenic route to our 1st highpoint.

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