White Cliffs of Conoy – #OPTOUTSIDE 2017

Another Black Friday – another year I chose to  Opt Outside.  It has become a tradition to take my nephew and now that I have ANOTHER nephew I figured he could join the fun!  I wanted something fairly easy as I was going to be carrying my youngest nephew on my back in one of those packs plus walking JoJo who is always frisky this time of year due to the cold weather.  I also wanted to go somewhere I had never seen before.  I had read about the White Cliffs of Conoy awhile ago, but never got a chance to check them out so I decided that would be our destination! My dad, both nephews, JoJo and I headed out to the Northwest Lancaster County River Trail and parked at the trailhead in Bainbridge, PA.

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#OptOutside 2016

Another Black Friday means another day I get to OptOutside with my nephew!  We went on a hike last year and I think both of us are more into biking right now so I ended up taking him to a park where we could ride our bikes and enjoy the cool morning.  There were even a few snow flurries – but they didn’t last long.  (Hopefully we will get to use our snowshoes this year!)

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I’m sure you have heard about the #optoutside movement that REI started this year – instead of spending your day inside, fighting crowds during Black Friday, REI urged people to spend their day outside enjoying nature instead.  Here in PA I couldn’t have asked for a better day – it was actually in the 60’s with zero chance of rain – who WOULDN’T want to be outside on a day like that??  PERFECT hiking weather!!

I asked my sister if I could take my nephew on a hike and my Mom decided to join me as well!  We decided to check out some trails that we haven’t done in a long time – the first was on Pumping Station Rd.  We parked and walked about a mile round trip along the road, but could never find where the trail went into the woods – it was strange!  We did see a crazy looking boulder that looked like a giant whale which was hard to get a picture of because of the brush in front of it.  It seemed like everything had private property signs posted so we went back to the car to try to find some other nearby trails.

Branch Manager and Assistant Branch Manager

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